STBY2Standby pin
PGND23channel 2 power ground
OUT24channel 2 negative output (left rear)
DIAG5diagnostic and clip detection output
OUT2+6channel 2 positive output (left rear)
VCC17power supply voltage1
OUT18channel 1 negative output (left front)
PGND19channel 1 power ground
OUT1+10channel 1 positive output (left front)
SVR11half supply voltage filter capacitor
IN112channel 1 input
IN213channel 2 input
SGND14signal ground
IN415channel 4 input
IN316channel 3 input
ACGND17AC ground
OUT3+18channel 3 positive output (right front)
PGND319channel 3 power ground
OUT320channel 3 negative output (right front)
VCC221power supply voltage2
OUT4+22channel 4 positive output (right rear)
SCL23I2C-bus clock input
OUT424channel 4 negative output (right rear)
PGND425channel 4 power ground
SDA26I2C-bus data input and output
TAB27heatsink connection;must be connected to ground